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UAE - Driving slow is not always safe

Latest News Dubai 30 Dec 23
UAE - Driving slow is not always safe
UAE: How driving slowly could put you in danger, lead to accidents?
Event Location
Dubai, Dubai
Start Time
30 December 2023, 12:00 AM
End Time
31 January 2024, 12:00 AM

Driving slow is not always safe - when a car occupies the high speed lanes and does not give way to cars coming from behind, it can lead to a real problem.

According to Dubai Police, the first lane from the left is reserved for overtaking cars and for emergency respond vehicles. Although the first lane is to be kept free unless required, it is often used by UAE residents to consistently drive in the maximum permissible speed limit.

Veteran instructors like Mohammed Asif advise drivers of the dangers of hogging the first lane. He told Khaleej Times: “Staying in the first lane of the road with your speed under the designated speed limit often leads to more chances of accidents than one would think.”

“People driving on 130kmph in the first two lanes on a 140kmph road don’t expect to brake suddenly to go under 100kmph. So forcing other people to drive according to your (slow) speed is irresponsible,” said Asif.

Fines have been implemented by the authorities to prevent slow driving on high speed roads. In April 2023, the Abu Dhabi Police took to X (formerly Twitter) to notify residents of a Dh400 fine for driving under 120kmph in the first two lanes of a 140kmph road. The fine took effect on the Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Road that connects Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Dubai’s Road and Transport Authority (RTA) and UAE authorities advise residents to constantly keep an eye on updates being issued across their channels for regulatory changes to prevent unintended breaking of the laws.

The best practice for road safety for yourself and other cars is to drive according to the rules and conditions set for the road, said driving instructor Asif. He often advises his students to specifically never challenge the rules set for the maximum or minimum speed limit on the main roads or streets in residential areas.

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